CT-Unite from Zhongke went to Thailand to participate in the Thailand China Green Technology Transfer Exchange Conference

        近日,中科 CT-Unite 赴泰国参加泰中科技协会第二届泰中绿色科技技术转移交流会。    此次交流会聚焦于中国与东盟国家在科技创新领域共同关切的绿色低碳发展方向。中科团队以第三代半导体新材料氮化镓为核心,围绕新能源汽车功率芯片、无人机组件及智慧燃气表等产品的封装和生产技术,展开生产转移及市场对接相关事宜交流。    交流会当日,中科团队与泰中科技协会进行了深入的交流,并针对芯片封装落地泰国项目展开了初步对接,泰国国王枢密院大臣、泰中科技协会会长格森·瓦特纳猜教授 (Professor Emeritus Kasem Watanachai)对中科团队围绕第三代半导体技术在多款功率模块及低碳能源芯片解决方案中所取得的成果给予了高度评价。此外,格森教授还表示,2025 年正值中泰建交 50 周年,届时将会邀请泰国投资促进部、商务部的领导以及泰方院校的相关代表前往中科总部进行交流考察。在此期间,双方就未来在泰国建设的新能源功率模块封装项目展开深入探讨和研究。    泰国作为东盟第二大经济体,是各国投资者关注的焦点。近年来中国及发达国家车企强势进军泰国市场,其中包括比亚迪、长城汽车、名爵、埃安、哪吒汽车等中国车企以及丰田、本田、马自达、起亚等数十家国际车企落地投产,给泰国汽车产业带来了新的活力与机遇。2023年泰国汽车年产量高达195万辆。2024年1-8月期间泰国面向全球出口的汽车、设备及零部件总额位居全球第一位,达208.1亿美元,占泰国商品出口总额的比重为10.6%。     在泰国国家科技园,中科团队就氮化镓新能源汽车功率芯片和无人机组件解决方案与泰国国家科技发展署、投资促进委员会副主任 Sanat 博士(Dr. Sanat Wongthawethong)进行了多方会谈。会谈中,双方初步达成在新能源汽车、智能装备生产、无人机组件以及智慧燃气领域的合作意向。通过此次交流活动,不仅增进了双边之间的深入了解,更为双方未来在低碳绿色科技技术领域的芯片应用、实现在泰国本土配套生产以完善国际供应链的长远目标奠定了基础。

The Zhongke UAV chip algorithm team, together with universities, won fourth place in the International ACM Visual Space Challenge

    Recently, the ACM MM2024 Visual Space Description Challenge came to an end, with the Guangxi University team represented by Professor Gao Fang, the University of Science and Technology of China, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences The CT-UNITE drone algorithm competition team won fourth place.        ACM MM (Multimedia) is a top international conference in the field of computer vision and multimedia processing, hosted by the Association for Computing Machinery in the United States. Each year, the conference sets up a special theme of Grand Challenges. The Visual Space Description Challenge requires accurate description of the spatial relationships between objects in an image through text and image generation based on visual spatial semantic understanding.    Based on the research results of visual spatial understanding technology, the logical thinking and creative ability of robots to perceive and make self judgments through visual sensors have been realized. The breakthrough progress made in the synchronous experiment of visual spatial understanding and physical robots has injected new vitality into the field of embodied artificial intelligence. The visual spatial understanding technology that won this award has shown broad application prospects in fields such as artificial intelligence driving, embodied robots, drones, and unmanned equipment, injecting new impetus into the development of China's low altitude economy.

Zhongke CT Unit releases multiple SiP packaged communication chip solutions for unmanned aerial vehicles

中科CT-Unite团队研制出应用于消费级、工业级、军用级无人机的SiP封装系列芯片,同时可以应用于远程无线网桥及安防领域,该芯片同步推出三个系列,型号分别为CT-9008B、CT-9004B与CT-9002B 。 无人机研发、制造和应用是衡量一个国家科技创新和制造业水平的重要标志,未来也将会成为支撑中国经济发展的重要产业。在旺盛的市场需求和广阔的发展前景推动下,其应用范围日益广泛;无人机核心关键技术也在悄然改变,远距离、高带宽及微型云台高清图像传输和低成本、小型化的发展方向,是各大无人机品牌厂家争抢的高地。我国民用无人机经过多年发展,无论是电控、电调、无刷电机、高能电池、北斗导航、计算机视觉与机器学习技术,都处于国际领先水平。而小尺寸、低功耗、低成本、远距离、高带宽、低延时、超强抗干扰通信模组与小型化、轻量化、高像素微型云台相机是我国未来需要突破的核心技术节点,但这两项技术的核心芯片 CMOS传感器和高性能RF Transceiver被日本SONY与美国ADI占据了半壁江山。中科推出SiP封装RF系统集成解决方案,完美的解决了高集成、低功耗的小型化应用场景。该芯片集成了SoC/FPGA、Transceiver、PA、LNA frequency filter 、switch、GPS/GNSS、PMU等数字智能天线算法为一体。采用最新先进的SiP封装技术,可满足不同领域模块化的性能配置提供更灵活的成本选择。2023年3月份将正式批量生产和交付,市场定价最低配置5美元~300美元不等。技术特点:支持城市复杂环境下的通信抗干扰算法;支持智能天线跟踪算法;内置集成了中科最先进的砷化镓(PHEMT)电子迁移晶体管功率放大器。TX POWER: 25dbm~36dbm可选,工作温度175℃,结温310℃与高精度单模/双模双频GPS/GNSS定位功能。 技术指标:l 通信延时低于5ms,吞吐率1.5Mbps~100Mbps可选l 支持720p 、1080p 、4k及以上高清图像传输l 同时支持1T1R与2T2R可选配l OFDM调制,频段2.3GHz~6GHzl 调制带宽1M、5M、10M、20M、40M可选配l 视距通信5km~50km可选 该芯片解决方案可应用于各种复杂环境下的视距通信和植保、影视、电力、气象、配送、军事等领域。

High release team wins the ManiSkill ViTac 2024 Challenge Championship

Recently, the ManiSkill ViTac (Vision based Tac) Manipulation Skill Learning Challenge 2024, held in the field of artificial intelligence robotics by the International Computer Vision Summit CVPR 2024 and Robotics Summit ICRA 2024, has come to an end. Gao Fang, a Ph.D. graduate from the University of Science and Technology of China, is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Guangxi University, leading universities and middle schools The CT-UNITE drone chip algorithm competition team won the championship in the "No External Annotation Track" track based on a commercial artificial intelligence visual tactile sensing control technology. This competition is organized by universities such as the University of California, King's College London, and Tsinghua University. The participating teams include Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Tongji University, King's College London, Nanyang Technological University, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Tsinghua Berkeley Shenzhen College, BYD, Singapore Science and Technology Research Agency (ASTAR), and Institute of Communications Research (I2R), among other domestic and foreign institutions.Based on visual tactile sensing technology, robots have logical thinking and creative abilities, actively completing a series of human consciousness tasks. The breakthrough achieved in the synchronous testing of computer models and physical robots has injected new vitality into artificial intelligence driving. The visual tactile sensing control technology that won this award has broad application prospects in fields such as artificial intelligence driving, weapon combat simulation, image guidance systems, high-precision semiconductor production equipment, and smart factories, injecting new momentum into China's new quality productivity and low altitude economy.